RGV PUEDE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
RGV PUEDE stands for RGV Parents United for Excellent Dual Education
Or in Spanish: Padres Unidos para una Educación Dual de Excelencia
RGV PUEDE’s mission is to educate and organize parents, families, and communities to support, improve, and extend dual language bilingual education programs from Pre-K to 12th across the Rio Grande Valley.
RGV PUEDE was co-founded in 2016 by Dr. Alex Stehn & Dr. Mariana Alessandri, who are both philosophy professors at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV). We want our boys, Santiago and Sebastián, to be part of a new generation of RGV students who receive a quality education in both Spanish and English from Pre-K to 12th to prepare them for UTRGV as a bilingual, bicultural, and
RGV PUEDE partners with UTRGV’s Center for Bilingual Studies, local school districts, and community organizations like LUPE, ARISE Adelante, and Voces Unidas. RGV PUEDE currently has around 600 members on our email list. Because of where we started, many PUEDE parents are McAllen residents and/or UTRGV faculty. We call these groups McAllen PUEDE and UTRGV PUEDE. One of our ongoing goals to network with parents and community organizations in other districts to establish other chapters, e.g., La Joya PUEDE, PSJA PUEDE, Harlingen PUEDE, etc.
Local PUEDE Groups: One of our major organizational goals is to continue creating local PUEDE groups where parents and other community members can provide grassroots support for dual language at the district level, e.g., La Joya PUEDE, PSJA PUEDE, Harlingent PUEDE, etc.
For more information email info@rgvpuede.org